How I Work

Embrace the Business Therapy Difference

At the heart of my Business Therapy approach lies a fundamental belief: business is deeply personal. This belief shapes a methodology that requires a modern approach to conventional of coaching and consulting, addressing not just the symptoms of business challenges but their roots, intertwined with your personal journey.

Your Transformation in Three Phases

1. Personal Deep Dive - Crafting Your Life-Aligned Strategy: Our journey begins with in-depth, one-on-one sessions focused on you — your hopes, fears, and the life you dream of beyond the boardroom. This isn’t about surface-level fixes; it’s about understanding and aligning your deepest values with your business goals. The result? A transformative strategy that’s not just about business success, but personal fulfillment.

2. Leadership Team Alignment - Bringing Your Vision to Life: With a clear, personal strategy in hand, we then bring your leadership team into the fold. Through five tailored full-day sessions over 12 months, we ensure your team is not just aligned but inspired by your vision. This phase guarantees that everyone is pulling in the same direction, equipped with clarity about their roles in achieving the shared dream.

3. Hands-On Execution and Continued Personal Support: As we execute the strategy, my commitment to you goes beyond advisory. I’m there, in the trenches with you, taking concrete steps to materialize our plan. From optimizing operations to navigating pivotal decisions, I act not just as a consultant, but as a co-pilot. Meanwhile, our personal sessions continue, offering you the support and adaptability needed as you evolve, ensuring your business growth mirrors your personal development.

Why Business Therapy?

This approach is the culmination of my own journey and the lessons learned from the edge of business despair. It’s designed for those who recognize that true success is measured not by profit alone, but by joy, fulfillment, and impact. Business Therapy isn’t just about fixing businesses; it’s about transforming lives.

For entrepreneurs ready to move beyond the struggle, to challenge the pride that’s kept them in isolation, Business Therapy offers a path to a business — and a life — reimagined.

Just a Reminder: It’s hard to read the label when you’re stuck inside the bottle.



My story? It's a blend of highs, lows, and hard-won lessons. I've captained a global business with 160+ employees, juggled $150 million in revenues, and navigated the stormy seas of economic downturns. I've experienced the exhilaration of growth and the gut punches of setbacks.

But here’s the raw truth: During the late '90s, in the midst of a crippling economic downturn, my business was more a source of agony than pride. It was a wake-up call. I stripped everything back to the basics, rediscovering what made my business special and reigniting the passion that started it all. This journey wasn’t just about saving a business; it was about reclaiming my life.

Now, my mission is to help entrepreneurs like you. Not just to survive, but to thrive with a business that fuels your life, not drains it. With my guidance, you’ll not only see your profits soar but also rekindle your passion for what you do. I've turned around countless businesses, leading them to profit and joy, proving time and again what I believe in my soul – most businesses need not fail.

As a 2X author and global speaker, I've shared my journey and lessons with business groups across the globe.

But the real work, the real transformation, happens in the trenches with entrepreneurs like you. It's not just business; it's personal.


Ask for help. This one bold step will be the catalyst for your business's revival and a renewed passion for what you do. Let's uncover the real questions that will guide you to the answers you desperately need.

Why I’m Different

My approach to Business Therapy isn't just different; it's transformative. Unlike traditional coaching or consulting that often skims the surface, I dive into the very heart of what makes your business and your life intertwine. My role transcends being a mere strategist or coach; I am a catalyst for profound personal and business transformation.

Through years of navigating both personal and business crises, I've honed an approach that pairs deep, empathetic understanding with strategic business acumen. This dual focus ensures not just business revival but personal rejuvenation. We'll tackle not only the visible challenges but also those deep-seated issues that hold you back from achieving true fulfillment and joy in your business and life.

I'm your partner in every sense, combining the intuitive touch of a therapist with the strategic insight of a seasoned entrepreneur. This journey is about genuine, lasting change, where honesty, empathy, and action are our guiding principles.

What I don't do

My commitment to Business Therapy means I work with a select number of entrepreneurs — those truly ready for a radical shift in both their personal and professional lives. This exclusivity ensures that I can dive deep with each client, crafting bespoke strategies that promise not just improvement, but a complete renaissance of their business and personal joy.

I'm not here for quick fixes or shallow success. If the potential for transformative change isn't there, neither am I. My work is for those prepared to confront the hard truths, tear down barriers, and act decisively.

Avoiding the tough conversations? Not with me. We confront everything head-on, ensuring that pride, fear, or inertia no longer dictate your business's direction. I pledge to guide you towards building not just a thriving business, but a life rich with achievement and satisfaction.

To further explore my thinking and approach to see if it's right for you, consider diving into my world through various channels: